Why the “C” Word Doesn’t Have to Be so Scary!

Yup, change. That big C word that whether good or bad, reeks havoc on our lives. We are creatures of habit. Routine has kept us safe and secure, biologically speaking, for a long long time. Upsetting the status quo can feel to us as if we are threatening our survival…that our LIVES are at RISK. This is scary stuff! That is why many of us get so frustrated when we pray, manifest, vision board it, chant it, etc that we want positive change, and it just ain’t happening. It is actually sending you the message that in doing so, even if it is good change (ie. marriage, weight loss, more money, a growing business, etc) that you might not survive the change. You have gotten super comfy and routinized along the way, and although it might not be optimal, you have made it work. You are a functioning unchangeaholic. Yes, this is a real dis-ease :) in the sense that you are addicted to a substance (stability) and can’t go without it. Then, 2012 comes rushing in, and rocks your boat. I love the Mayans. They are super innovative people. Did you know that made significant advances in astrology, astronomy, math (discovered the 0), agriculture (nobody else could have survived in their ecosystem) and built pyramids and temples without metal tools and much more! The talk of 2012 ending of the Mayan Calendar, I believe, is much more spiritual than literal. There seems to be a shift in consciousness happening. I see it everywhere. When I’m on the subway, I see Eckhart Tolle, Louis Hay and many other “New Age” authors gracing the eyes of subway riders. I did not see this 5-10 years ago. I was the only yahoo reading about soul retrievals on my commute. That being said, this new consciousness is sprouting up everywhere. And, because we are all interconnected, when one individual becomes even a little bit more enlightened, it is a catalyst for another. There is a huge game of dominoes going on. But, as I mentioned earlier, this isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. Being called to action, awareness and to become more enlightened is not easy. It is scary. Often times, ignorance is bliss. However, this movement is also so sweeping and so enticing, how can you not want to be a part of it? The key is balance. What usually ends up happening when change is to be made (whether purposefully or not) is that we swing wildly in the opposite direction like a wild banshee. You know, “I want to loose weight, so I am going to cut out all carbs, sugar and anything that resembles food”. Then, as we are pendulums, we swing just as wildly in the other direction (becoming a ravenous beast) and then finally settling somewhere in the middle. Why not implement your changes more slowly and surely? Remember, in your brain, your life is at risk here. You will not stick to change, or go willingly, if it happens too quickly. You are hard-wired to equate this to death. Move with purpose, grace, and ease. Take baby steps.

Another tip is to “experiment” with everything. A big part of being resistant to change is fearing the permanency of it all. That is not usually the case. Very few things are actually permanent….besides death, which is why perhaps this is all so intertwined with the fear of moving forward and the association with perishing forever. Remember when we were in school? We so unabashedly threw some things together in a test tube without attachment, and a strong anticipation as to see what would happen. When I make decisions or changes in life now that are registering as a little “scary” for me, I always tell myself, and my clients who I work with in these situations, that just tell yourself it is a little experiment. That word tends to shift the perspective from, “I am about to make a monumental decision that may result in death” to “Ohhhh, this could be fun…can’t wait to see what happens. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll mix up some other concoction and try that one”.

So, Bellas, the next time you are being to called to change, to be a part of this movement forward in consciousness, take it easy. First of all, recognize that of course, change is scary. Thank your body for doing what it is supposed to do by causing anxiety. It is protecting you from what it perceives as a threat. Tell your nervous system, “Thanks so much for doing your job and looking out for me. I honor you for that. I have decided to make this change. I will do it slowly and surely so that I am not jeopardizing anyone or anything. I am just going to experiment with some things…no harm done. It will be fun. I release you from the roll of protector in this instance, and ask you to now become a witness (Can I get a witness, whoot whoot!) to this change. Help me to regulate the speed at which this change is made so that it can happen gracefully and effectively. Won’t you be my co-scientist and help me implement some cool experiments and to test them out? We are safe. Change can be good. Change can actually prolong life. All is well.”
Happy Changing, my dear Bellas. Thank you for being brave enough to embrace change and become the best version of yourself…the planet (and your co-workers) thanks you for it!

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