When Life Throws You Snow, Make Snow Angels

Life is full of choices, and once you realize the power of our thoughts, therefore our actions, and in turn, our reality, you will always be empowered by this awesome responsibility.  You are your biggest manifester, and the world is your playground!  You create the masterpiece that is your life…and life is short, so play hard!  When life throws you lemons, make lemon-aide.  And likewise, when the sky spews forth a great miracle of white powder, play in it.  Every moment is an opportunity to make the right decision (love), whose attached sentiments will spill over in all arenas of your life.  When it snows (and damn, has it been snowing!), you could choose to grumble as you grudgingly shovel it, bitch about the water in your shoes, your foyer, and worse yet, your hair (making it Frizzy!).  Seeing this phenomenon of nature as burdensome or disastrous, will continue to solidify and manifest situations that really are pain’s in the asses, or at least perceived that way.  Why not instead, put on those rose colored glasses and choose love and happiness. As the old saying goes, “If you can’t beat it, join it”!  We can’t control mother nature, so why not surrender to it.  Take notice of the children and animals romping around outside, unaware of the cold, only to be living in the moment and relishing in the day off of school in exchange for a day frolicking in the winter wonderland!  Learn from them as you see how they view this as a gift, bestowed upon us, opposed to a grievance.  Soon, you will begin to take any “messy” situation, and make the most of it or even better, to have fun with it!  This winter, build forts, snowmen , and get down and dirty (or wet) and make snow angels!

You see, energetically speaking, winter can manifest itself in two ways: fear, or courage. Winter, meaning “to make wet”, can often times cause us to take on the qualities of water and to act in a languid, lazy, rolly-polly-like, woe-is-me type of way. During the winter months, all things in nature wither, hide, return home and enter a resting period, just as lakes and rivers freeze and snow falls.  The days become shorter, and the darkness outweighs the light.  This pattern lends itself to hibernation.  Again, your world is composed of your choices (past, present, and future) and reflects the way you experience life around you. If you choose not to play outside, retreating inward is a very acceptable and advantageous method of dealing with the cold, so long as it is dealt with in a healthy way.  Are you meditating and listening to your inner self, clarifying and manifesting what is is you truly desire, and staying warm by making love to yourself or another? Notice by honoring yourself this winter, those around you also honor and respect you.  Do not let this hibernation manifest in turning inward in a paranoid, isolated, and cold manner, entering into a cave of debilitation and paralyzation.  The result in actually being isolated from your loved ones and can end in depression and self-loathing?  Always choose love over fear and darkness.  No matter the season, be the sunflower who gravitates to the light and soak it in.

Choosing love over fear further prevents health problems from manifesting…which, as you know, no chronic health problem is without some sort of fear-based emotional or mental attachment.  Since water is the element correlated with winter, the bladder and the kidneys (two organs highly affiliated with water) can become especially vulnerable when you give in to the fear and stagnation.* The sacral chakra (about 2″ below the naval) is also governed by the water element, and is linked to creativity, sexuality, sensuality, and fertility (the conception of that project, relationship, or dream that is awaiting manifestation).  These are areas of your life which can either by hindered by the fear, or amplified by choosing to take a stand, becoming an icicle, tough and majestic with a backbone, fighting for your truth and highest purpose! The winter rhythm can, through choosing love over fear,  embody that of the seed, and a storm of unlimited potential.  It is therefore crucial to take the time this winter to clear away the pests (fears) that are taking up space in the second chakra.  It is necessary for this barrenness to take place, as in nature when the plants appear bare to the naked eye, but in reality, the true work is happening underneath the surface.  Particles (and therefore dreams) manifest out of nothingness.  In this nothingness, you can be preparing a hospitable home for your desires to take root, and to flourish and grow in the upcoming spring months, which, dear sapling, will yield tangible results for all of your hard and positive work that took place this winter.

Easy Quick Tips for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul this Winter:

1) To reinforce courageous creativity, repeat the mantras “I chose Love”,  “Life is full of embryonic potential”, or “I embody unlimited possibilities”, as you bring your awareness to your third eye or your second chakra and water organs (genitals/uterus, kidneys, and bladder).

2) Take comfort and advantage of the element water during the winter season, enjoying the snow, making time to soak in a hot bath, letting the water meander over your body, letting it “go with the flow”.  It would be especially helpful if you can add a couple of drops of either Frankincense (great for meditative work) or lavender (for a calming affect) to marinate in (To learn about and purchase some supercharged bath salts of these essential oils, click www.tinyurl.com/sproutinglovesalts

3) Ingest a hot, water-based, yummy food or drink such as soup or tea, while holding either a Charoite or Amethyst crystal and setting the intention to let nature’s vibrations dissipate your fear-based thoughts.

4) Consider taking Mimulus and Aspen, two Bach Flower essences, sublingually or with a glass of water, to greatly minimize agitation and anxiety.

5) Whatever you do, please, do yourself and the universe a favor this winter: choose love over fear, manifestation over stagnation, meditation over isolation, and snow angels over snow shovels.

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