What Your #1 Job Is This Spring!

Spring is the season for reaping what you sowed.  With that, comes a lot of excitement, and also, what feels to be a big responsibility!  It it clear that we are being called to step it up in life–relationships, businesses, etc.  It can feel overwhelming to try to figure out where to start, who to involve, etc.  The important thing here for you to know is that actually, a lot of the work is already done.  You’ve spent the fall letting go and planting seeds (releasing and manifesting), the winter nourishing them, and now the spring is when it all blooms and comes to fruition.  So, the most important thing is to actually pick the crops–recognize what you’ve sown. So often, I get clients who aren’t seeing what they’ve created.  They have their blinders on, which prevents them from seeing past their limiting beliefs.  Some will say, “I’ve worked so hard, and haven’t gotten any results”.  One of two things is happening here.  a) You are trying to knock down the wrong door or b) you have gotten results, but you just can’t see or acknowledge them.  In Spring, people come out of the wood works and people often misinterpret this buzz and excitement for potential energy to do more work.  That is not the case.  Notice that the animals in the animal kingdom (squirrels, bears, etc) are actually doing the most work in the fall (gathering food, building warm shelter, etc), so that they can chill and hibernate during the winter, so that they can in turn celebrate and play during the spring.  We too work best and most efficiently when we are following nature’s natural rhythms.

Here are your only “jobs” in the springtime in order to make best use of this season:

Keep a daily running record of your accomplishments.  You can call it “My Awesome Accolades”.  With each one you write down, you should actually and literally give yourself a pat on the back.  As mentioned earlier, so often people don’t “see” what they are creating or doing.  Putting it on paper helps.  I can recall so many times where I couldn’t “see” where my bloated belly was coming from.  Upon recording for a week what I ate, I could finally “see” that it was the dark chocolate that I was eating between every meal…a little too much.  The same is true in this case.  We get so caught up in what is NEXT, that we don’t stop to smell the roses and recognize our accomplishments right now.  This sets us up for a cycle of failure, because our mindset is always in the quicksand…focused on how we are sinking and not doing enough, versus “hey, I’m kind of a bad-ass and have accomplished a lot of cool shit!”.  So, again, make a running list of all the cool shit you’ve accomplished.  My guess is that once you start, you wont be able to stop.  Every day that you write your new kudos down, you will gain confidence in your abilities, instead of doubt them.  If you want bonus points, share 1-2 props a day with family or friends.

Celebrate and have fun.  The universe does cartwheels when you do.  The universe frolics when you do.  The universe smiles when you do.  When you celebrate, the universe knows your grateful and sends you more stuff to recognize and celebrate.  Spring is the season of new life and birth.  Everyday in the Spring is a BIRTHDAY!  Doesn’t that deserve a little extra SPRING in your step? A little cupcake/candle action or a hat or blow horn? Spring is a CELEBRATION.  What an awesome job you have this season–to HAVE FUN!  I want you to sign a contract with spring.  Something like this:

Dear Spring,
I, __________, hearby accept your job offer of ‘to celebrate and have fun this season’.  I solemnly swear to be your #1 employee at all times.  I vow to have a shitload of fun, and to not half-ass that job.  I will not take shortcuts, come in late, or leave early.  I will not multi-task during this very important job of having fun, but instead, will be in the present moment during these tasks. The ways in which I will take the job seriously and have fun include, but are not limited to the following tasks: ______________, _________, ____________, ____________, _______________. (Fill in fun things you can commit to doing). I will make this commitment to you throughout the duration of my freelance work with you, including, but not limited to March 21, 2012-June 20, 2012.
I look forward to working with you very soon!

My Signature__________
Spring’s Signature___Spring___
Witness ____Universe_____

Print this out and hang it on your refrigerator or put it in your planner as a daily reminder of the commitment you’ve made.  Sow, baby sow!

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