Your Greatest Role Model This Spring

Its essence of life is so palpable; you can taste it, smell it, see it, sense it, and hear it. Spring fills our senses with such richness as we relish in the flavor of earth and sweetness of fresh and juicy fruits and veggies, as we smell the fragrant flowers adorning the walkways, as we see and feel the first sprouts (love sprouts xo) of plant life so pure and pristine with its green skin soft and supple like the perfection of a newborn, and as we listen to the birds chirping their sweet song, a melody pure and true.

We, as beings of nature, can’t help to get swept up in the natural rhythm of spring as we too sprout upward and outward declaring to the world, “Here I am! Check me out!” and move about expressing ourselves unabashedly and organically. Along with exposing more skin, we tend to expose more of ourselves, our gifts, and our preferences to the world. While this is a wonderful and much needed change, sometimes we don’t welcome our expansion and growth with open arms. Change can stress us out and send us into a tailspin at times. This is where we can learn from Mother Nature.

This spring, understand that we are supported by our fellow plant friends. You see, plants are imprinted with the mechanism of survival. Plants have a knowing that they shall easily and effortlessly receive and expend energy in a symbolic fashion in order to thrive in this world. Furthermore, the plant is equipped with tools from its ancestors for adaptations in order to sustain itself in times of stress. The plant can and will temporarily burst upward if in dire need of sunlight, and therefore sacrifice some parts of self for the parts that need sunlight. When the desired need is met, the plant will retreat back to normal stature and size and restore peace and harmony in the system once the threat has passed. The same is true if the plant is lacking water. In fact, I doubt the plant ever uses such fear-based terminology as “lack”, but simply takes this opportunity to dip into its storehouse of reserves, rations out its water, and goes on living its life. Its constant calmness and preparedness allow the plant to transcend normal pattern of ebb and flow, drought VS constant rain cloud, and to come though with grace and ease. The plant, often times, exhibits such external beauty and poise throughout the process, still managing to take care of itself whilst not bringing others down with them. There is no commiserating and no talk of the “Gloom and Doom”, but rather still existing with the goal of living a good life and providing pleasure, smiles, and comfort to others.

This spring, I encourage you reader’s everyday to become more like the plant. Learn to take change in stride. After all, the planet seems to be more and more unpredictable as the years pass, and their is no way of knowing what is in store for us (good and the “unfortunate”). As long as we remain calm at the core, we can survive anything. It is not what happens that counts, but how you react that counts. At our origin, we are not so far away from plants. We are all products of Mother Nature, celestial father, and of source, at our cellular level. Unite once more with your true essence. I encourage you, at least once daily, to do the following exercise. This is not hard to do, even in NYC!

If you open your eyes, there is an abundance of trees and flowers ALL OVER Manhattan and its boroughs, so start with the below steps.

1)Bring your attention to a living plant/tree/flower

2)Admire something about that plant (its strength, resilience, beauty, resourcefulness, softness, ability to make someone happy, enabling someone to breath easier, yummy smell, the ease it possesses to go with the flow and embrace change, etc.)

3)Admire the same quality or desired quality about yourself

4)Ask the plant and universal ancestors (Mother Nature and divine celestial father) to bless you and give you the courage to manifest more of this quality within yourself and around you

5)Witness your life blooming into a beautiful world!

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