Falling Gracefully Before Winter Hits

Ahhh, fall…it’s so bitter sweet…On one hand, you get to indulge in jeans, fluffy sweaters, hot-to-trot-boots, and warm tea, but on the other hand, you have to give up your flip flops, sundresses, and ice-coffees. As my favorite blunt “teacher” Carolyn Myss would say, “get over it. It’s in the past”. While it is not always that easy, fall does make it a little less difficult because it is the season of letting go. It is a commencement; a closing of some doors and an opening of others. Just as the leaves from trees naturally fall off, underneath the surface, the plant is preparing to receive new energy in the spring. So as we ease in to December and soak up the last bits of semi-warm fall weather, let’s learn to Fall Gracefully.

It is important that we use the momentum of nature and let go right along with her. Resisting this dying out of life, leads to dis-ease within our bodies. Ideas, food, people, emotions, information, stimuli…everything we encounter in life needs to be assimilated and then, after a process of taking what you need, it then becomes digested, and, eventually, eliminated. This leaves our body as waste, and includes that which is no longer needed.

Our minds, bodies, and souls typically do this naturally on a daily basis. Our minds let go of skills and facts that have little or no meaning to our lives. Since I am a part-time teacher, I know the quadratic formula. It has meaning to my life at this time because I can educate with this piece of material. I do not, however, remember how to build a website using html, because it is not useful for me (although, if you saw my silly website, it could be argued that I NEED it, therefore having meaning). Every conversation we have, every book you read, every workshop you attend, every class you ever take, every experience we encounter, gets stored or spit out. You remember bits and pieces, and the rest, well, it gets filed away or recycled, but not may not be put in the forefront of your knowledge base. We receive stimuli every millisecond, so it is imperative that we let go of some and make room for others or else, we would explode. Just like we go doo-doo everyday, our mind and soul pinches some out as well.

At times, our bodies and souls find meaning in things that our mind may not, and has stored them elsewhere in our body’s cells. It is not uncommon for me to be doing Reiki on someone’s head, and their knee starts spasming or vice versa. The brain is certainly not the only place where info gets stored…we have many issues in our tissues. For the most part, our body, mind and souls are efficient and adept at taking what it needs and eliminating the rest. Sometimes, however, that memory gets a little too comfy and overstays his welcome…kind of like that “friend” who seems to have set up shop and couch-surfed so long, that his ass has left an imprint…memories too can leave painful, unnecessarily or blockage-causing imprints which can affect the other cells around it, contaminate them, and ultimately dictate more shit that gets attracted into your life. So sometimes, they too need the boot…an extra kick in the ass to get them up and out, like your leachy friend. The lungs and large intestines are particularly vulnerable during this season, due to being the ultimate regulators in assimilation and elimination in our bodies, so those organs and anything associated should receive extra special attention. I recommend an edema for the mind body and soul. Here are some tips that should get things moving in no time:

To Assimilate or Bring In and Process:
*Before you eat, say, “I ask that my body receive only that which is needed to nourish me, and to promptly and easily expel the rest”.
* Before you converse, read, watch, listen, etc, say, “I ask my mind and soul to organize and store that which has meaning to me and my life at this time (or sometime in the future) and to effortlessly release the rest to someone else who needs it”.
*Before you breathe (during meditation or exercise)- “my lungs take in fresh, clean oxygen and expel old, outdated carbon dioxide”.

Activities to Eliminate or Take Out:
* Colonic treatment to get out any stubborn poo which ultimately translates into poison if let to marinate in the body too long.
*Exercise or some sort of sweat session in the form of the following: yoga, running, biking, dancing, sex, sauna, steam room, hot shower, summer day in NYC, summer day in the subways, eating chili peppers, wasabi, or any other activity that induces sweat.
*Meditation- sit and be, or focus on the breath

Mantras to be Said During Processing (all of these are appropriate and advantageous to say while expelling during pooping, colonics, exercise/sweating, and meditating):
* I let go of past hurts and pains
*I let go of patterns that no longer serve me
*I let go of crap and shit
* I let go of fluff with no substance
*I let go of anything that blocks my cells from getting fresh oxygen and dividing at a beautiful rate
*I let go of past trauma that I’ve already learned from
*I let go of what is no longer needed
*I let go of what no longer needs or wants me
*I let go of that which is not nourishing me

Alright peeps, I expect your pipes, wind and colon, to be squeaky clean. Flush out the crappy and make room for the happy! You can do it, just let go and let this season help you fall gracefully.

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