
Thank you for coming to Miami last month. Your coming has brought so much healing to so many people: each one of the 25+ people participating have had shifts, more than one life changing. I am happy to tell you that I am one of them.

You might not recall but my constellation was all about peace of mind and feeling of security in relation to my financial affairs. We were able to get full resolution and end up the session with a powerful (and fun) dance with money.  Exactly 2 weeks later, on my birthday, I received a VA letter awarding my husband of a monthly pension more than twice as much as I originally hoped for….we had been waiting for this money for years, so I know it is no coincidence!  Also, I am now receiving so many clients for my readings I do!  Again thank you for helping me getting resolution regarding this paralyzing block.


Hi Natalie :) I want to thank you for appearing in my life, and I thank the Universe for bringing me to you and your work during this transitional period for me.

My first constellation was so moving and provided such a release. I am very grateful I was at the last session and got chosen. I have noticed a lot of transformation within me this past year especially, and I must share with you that since last summer, I have seen SO many butterflies (a very transformational symbol.) On the morning of the 30th, I saw my first real butterfly of the summer :) I feel very connected to you and feel as if you are an important messenger to me, and I appreciate the work that you do and the connection that you have to Source. I would love to work more with you one on one, but we can talk about that at a later date.

After this last session, I was pretty quiet and wanted to put the experience into words but of course it is beyond what my mind can interpret. That night, I received a check in the mail from a former employer, and just had to laugh. The next day, my mother offered to pay me to clean the fish tank. I took these moments as friendly reminders that money really does love me.

I keep seeing the images of my constellation and feeling what I felt when seeing the image of myself, money, my parents, and my partner. I have also noticed a few times now a group of three birds, either flying or swimming, in a triangle formation, which reminds me of the triangle between myself and my parents. I see my parents in such a different light now. It has been easier to be around my father now, I feel like I understand him a lot better. It is somewhat difficult to be around my mother, though. I see her more clearly now and it’s not easy- I want to help her feel better but I know that’s not my responsibility. Whenever I look in the mirror, I see the representation of me, or I just see myself, and tell myself I am open, accepting, friendly, beautiful, have a great smile, and most of all, I am worthy. I want to do more of these exercises because I haven’t always been able to see myself the way others see me, or the way I truly am. I am glad my partner got to experience this session with me- I know she was truly moved by this work and I feel like this experience has brought our souls closer together.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.  In the meantime, I am telling the universe that I am ready, willing and able. And thank you again for everything that you are and everything that you do. I appreciate your kindness, humble attitude, and strong connection to others and Source, and you are absolutely radiant, beautiful, and glowing every time I see you. I hope to become closer to the image I see of you in me, too :)

Love, Nadia


Before I walked out the door with you guys after the workshop, I got a text from a friend that’s a fledgling entrepreneur and he has an opportunity that he ran across. Well, Im a bit excited and I’m looking in to it. Went to a web cast for this last night and Im liking it a lot!!! I’m saying this isn’t a coincidence because I have been out of work for 14+ years and we did 3 hours of money work that very day…none of it, had I even considered before (the entanglements). I’m grateful to have taken part in this opportunity and I hope you make it open to everybody.

Love Otto


IT WORKS! I am currently in the process of cleaning out my apt of 11 years for my move to Brooklyn with my boyfriend!!!!!!!! In the (overwhelming) process I came across a letter you had told me to write and place in my love corner.  A love letter written in present tense to him talking about all the things that made me happy with him and our relationship.  It brought me to tears today re-reading it seeing that EVERYTHING CAME TRUE!!!!  I am completely overwhelmed and over the moon with happiness and I can’t ever let a moment pass without sending my gratitude to you.  Through our work together you really helped me screw my head on straight and realize my potential to be and have all that i want. You are a wonderful woman and i will forever be grateful for all of the positive energy you have added to my life.

Massage Therapist


Your work is amazing and gifted. I am so impressed! I thought you were phenomenal…and I know it wasnt just “you” but your connection to guidance. I have not seen psychic’s as in tune! And, to get guidance about the entire family line to help how we are stuck in the present is remarkable. To be honest, I havent felt that anyone could key in on this inner block that no one seems to see   because I appear and am so warm in so many ways…yet cut off in ways I dont even have a clue to, but somehow feel. No therapist has seen it…and all feel that i am just putting myself down or being over judgemental if I say I have a bonding problem. So…I feel hopeful that in seeing you I will have greater understanding of something I have felt all along.


Thank you so much Natalie! I love that mantra. Last night’s session was awesome and I’ve been in a great mood since.  I spoke with my mom last night and I could feel her genuine happiness and excitement for me and J. It felt great. Anyways, I also wanted to share that I just met with a friend who does event planning / marketing for D.V.C. as well as a few other spiritual authors and she offered me a part time position working with a healer/author named I.S.. She said that Inna wants to make California her main focus for the US, which is so perfect since I’ll be there! So exciting! Everything is falling into place and incredible opportunities for fulfilling work are manifesting so rapidly right now! It feels so amazing and I know it has a lot to do with the family dynamics we’ve been working on.

Thank you so much! I’m so grateful for everything you do.




Hi Natalie!

Good news… :) I spoke with Client X today, and told her my new rate is $ X And she was super excited to hear that I would still be working with her, and was super supportive of my new rate, and even said she thought that was a better rate — and then went on to say, she really wanted me to feel good about working with her, so please to let her know if the work is ever overwhelming or if she is ever overstepping boundaries, and also went on to say that she would be happy to help me in any way I need it, as I am starting to build my business.  I felt sooo good about that! And I went for $XX over $RR — because I felt that “excited OMG” feeling around $XX, whereas with $RR I felt a little resentful. I am feeling very appreciated by my clients — and really want to move 100% out of any resentments towards them! This feels like a really good next step.

Thank you again for all your support. :) I am excited about Thursday!

Also it hit me this morning that my work hours have greatly decreased and my income has increased. Halle-freakin-lujah!! I could not have done this without your support! I am also getting up almost daily to walk and do a little running, or do some light yoga. It has made the biggest difference in my day.

Also also!  Client X took me to dinner last night and I really felt like equals and can feel that I am shifting out of some of those old family projecting patterns. I think once I launch my own business “out there” I will just continue to feel more confident and see myself as just as brilliant and talented as the women I work with. Thank you so much for all you do with me!

Really excited to keep working with you. Very grateful for this work and for you!




From the bottom of my heart I am grateful for the experiences, clearings and support you have provided. You are a gift.
The two constellations workshops that I have attended within the last 4 months, have allowed me to unlock revelations and activate healing in ways that no other experience has allowed before. By seeing my reflections within and through myself, others and confronting unknown blocks, I now find myself in a more welcoming space of clarity, openness and the ability to be more present and intuned. There has been a shift, a clearing for good manifestation to enter my life.
In the last four months, I have fortified my relationship with my family ( some of which members I have not talked to in over a decade), discovered a new sense of self and ownership of myself and created and opening for me to allow love and trust to flow into my life again.

With sincere gratitude,
Danelle Brown


Hi Natalie,

I was totally blown away by my constellation and those thereafter. I’m shocked at how emotionally shut down I have become over the years and these therapy sessions are giving the support needed to leave behind my hermit life.

Slow going but good.  Each day my internal image, my mental self continues to change with each constellation I participate in. And I struggle with letting my new image win. The old image is very upset at this point.

 Also, I did complete my homework!! I now have name+ info on my mom’s brother and father.  I was afraid to call at first because I was worried about making my mom feel uncomfortable so it took until last night to pick up the phone.  She was dozing off when I called so she just quickly answered my questions without the normal counter measures, questions, etc. Whew!

 So I’m really trying to work at maintaining the red string around me as my boundaries, reminding myself that my mom’s pain is hers and not mine. This is very hard for me. Something I’ve never done in my entire life. So baby steps I keep telling myself. I’ve signed up for the next group sessions and when I return to work will try to sign up for the 1-on-1s as well.

 Truly grateful and love to you!



Natalie is a highly skilled and intuitive practitioner of family constellation.  Whether it is during a 1-on-1 session or in a very intensive group workshop, her ability to guide me through intense family experiences and heal past wounds is very powerful.  As a result of my work with her, many family entanglements that were energetically holding me back have been realigned and released. I feel more peaceful, focused and lighter from not carrying past burdens and hurts that were weighing me down.

Health Coach


Natalie’s gentle spirit and intellect gels to provide a rich healing environment. She probes without prodding, consoles with ease, and ushers the client into a realm where contemplation and empowerment are possible. Natalie’s vast knowledge of spirituality and energy dynamics enable her to peer through windows we often close when trying to find a breakthrough. Her intuition is keen and she slowly builds to provide an space for shifts. Since working with Natalie I have seen shifts in areas of forgiveness, stronger self esteem, personal power, and reconciliation with family.  I was fortunate to work with Natalie in the area of Constellation Therapy which helped me see the importance of my parents and how unfinished business eroded my relationships and personal power. I am a work in progress, however I know it is the Spirit working through Natalie as a vessel that allowed me to make these breakthroughs. She is revolutionary, gentle, humble, and indeed powerful. I encourage you to take the journey of healing with her.

Movie Producer


By nature I am a very skeptical person especially as it relates to spiritual healers. However with the urging of my sister I attended one of Natalie’s constellation therapy sessions. I was blown away. In no time at all we were at the root of things that had been festering for decades. Through Natalie’s compassion, love, nurturing and skill I was able to resolve troubling issues. From observation, it appeared that all the other participants had similar experiences as I had.  If my experience is typical, this is the microwave of therapy providing remarkably fast results.



Natalie Berthold is a loving and powerful healer. Through working with her, both my relationships and negative patterns have improved. Sharing her own struggles and overcoming that pain, has helped me a great deal. She is constantly encouraging me to pursue my dreams and live to my highest potential.

Fashion PR


I feel that the work we did a few weeks ago was really helpful!  Having a visceral reference point for betrayal versus jealousy has been especially helpful!  I’ve been using the mantras you gave me, and the career one (which I’ve been using for longer) has been great.  I feel much more confident in my voice, as a writer and an individual.  Also, I think releasing the stuff about my dad has helped me zero in more on my own insecurities (as opposed to the baggage one carries from family, etc.)



Thank you so much; I am still trying to process a lot of it. The experience had incredible depth for me, and in many ways was completely unexpected. There is still a lot for me to consider and, I think, try to understand. One of my initial reactions is that the experience helped me acknowledge and confront certain things that I think I couldn’t bring myself to face in my mind on my own. Today felt like a possible starting point for me.  As I am sure you are aware, your gift is very valuable, very deep, and ultimately a comfort.It’s actually quite difficult to put my feelings into words. Monday went off without a hitch! I was worried about how returning to work would feel and nervous about getting sucked back into the usual pattern and feelings, but … that hasn’t happened yet. I haven’t felt like this in two and a half years, and it’s amazing. The best way I can describe it is that I feel a bit like I’m on some kind of medication that’s blocking my feelings; to a large extent, they seem to have disappeared. I’m feeling oddly detached and neutral, though I don’t mean that in a bad way. I will keep seeing how things go, fingers crossed.  One of the things that has blown me away is that, since my first session with you, for the first time I can say her name. Before, I would have done anything to avoid it, and when I had to, it was truly unpleasant. It doesn’t bother me to say it now at all — it’s just like saying anyone’s name. It might seem like a small thing, but to me it is truly unbelievable.
The work around my father’s father has had a profound effect, too. It’s not that I feel warm and fuzzy about him all of a sudden, but I do feel somehow that something that was missing is back where it belongs, that I have acknowledged and found a missing piece of myself. I’ve been sitting down and thinking a lot about that work we did. I never would have imagined that this absence in my family had any relevance to me, and I’m still processing the feelings associated with acknowledging him. They are new, and they are positive in a way — seeing a fuller picture of myself, feeling more complete.
I’m thinking about my job, too (and dream job — I wondered after I left if it’s necessarily related to my life’s purpose (as indicated in the card) or whether they’re not necessarily connected) and about money, too, but that one is going to take more time. I think the work we did around it was a good start, though.



The dust is settling a bit for me. It’s strange because it feels like a lot of time has passed, but it hasn’t even been a full 2 weeks yet. I just feel there is so much work going on underneath the surface that I can’t even comprehend. I guess that is the soul work. :)  The work is very powerful and I feel so many people can benefit from it. I know others would benefit from your work tremendously.



While I am open to new ideas, I have to admit I was skeptical that my abdominal pain could be treated through intuitive healing. You helped me to release so many pent up feelings and stifled emotions that had become physically painful. Your relaxation techniques, meditation, and dietary advice helped me to heal  years of  negative energy and behavior. I am at a point where I am no longer considering exploratory surgery and/or a hysterectomy. I feel better than I have in many, many years.

Sales & Marketing


I have been to many different Healers from Card Readers, to Shamans, to Mediums.  While they have all been effective in some way, Natalie is the most gifted of all the healers I have ever been to. A session with her can progress a person leaps and bounds towards becoming one with their highest self. She has helped me to understand so much about myself, to  remove very limiting blockages, as well a lead me on journeys that would become the basis of my design work. She is soley responsible for opening me up to my own latent psychic and intuitive abilities.

Clothing Designer


Natalie! Thank you so very much for last night. You are remarkable and last night was nothing short of a thousand tiny miracles all strung together into a beautiful night that rocked my world. You are so gifted.- and gracious and generous to share your gift and your self helping others. Endless gratitude- I can’t wait to do it again. Also, I forgot to tell you I am OVER THE MOON for your Self Love Tour. I totally loved your interview with Macha the other day and adored your story. I felt like I knew you before I met you. And I LOVE that it was all inspired by Sandy- I am in the same boat, my hometown and community were devastated but we live JUST above the flood line. My friend and I formed a non-profit and have been helping the community since. But I think where you took it is so innovative and exceptionally unique. I can’t wait to watch the show and of course, attend future sessions with you. Again, I have so much gratitude for last night- my mind and spirit are still ‘downloading’ it and soaking it in. You have incredible energy and intuition. As I am sure EVERYONE else tells you! See you soon and I’m so on board for the Self-Love Tour! I am sure you are going to ROCK IT OUT! XOXO

Love and light, Victoria


Hi Natalie! My mom and i had a very healing weekend. Honestly, it put us in a place we have not been in a very long time. This is HUGE. You have no idea. Yesterday was my parents anniversary and my grandma passed away a year ago today so we have been able to get through it together. Honestly, YOU are responsible for that. No joke. I hope you know just how gifted and special you are.Thank you so much for being there for my mom and I.  It means so much that you are so supportive, caring and generous. Thank you so much!

Love, Lauren -Teacher


Natalie’s energy is powerful yet gentle and soothing, and it’s guided by a caring that’s just as tangible as the energy.



 I found a home!
The boys are wonderful as is Karen…
 You’re a miracle worker..
Thea (life coach)

I have so much gratitude for you and your gifts.  I’m feeling really good.  I’ve been drinking lots of water.  Writing a lot.  My intuition is definitely talking to me baby!  And I feel like I’m in a much better place to focus on the intentions behind my actions at work.  I’m feeling very positive.



Having asthma as long as I can remember, I had become a slave to my inhaler and nebulizer.  In recent months my wheezing had become more frequent, without explanation, however I could no longer stand using medicine that was obviously not helping.  With Natalie’s help, during a time when my chest and lungs were feeling tight,  she did a healing session in which through visualization and energy, my need for my inhaler was gone! I have since used this method several times on my own, when feeling short of breath. I now have proof, although I always did believe, that my asthma was much more emotionally related rather than environmental. Although I may still carry an inhaler, its use is virtually non existent!

Ad Sales


Thanks again for working with me the other day; I really enjoyed it. So much so, in fact, that I can’t stop raving about your magical powers!  Thanks again…very powerful!

Personal Trainer


Meeting with you was so beneficial!  I enjoyed the bath with beer, rose & carnation petals (and epson salts) so much after too!  I feel it has helped me breathe better, and identify when I am getting cloudy.   I think it has also helped me to bring to my surface more feelings that need to be properly dealt with, which is part of my journey.  Most importantly, I thank you for helping me find my spirit guides of the sword and the energy ball.  And the strong image of my shiny new heart.  You are wonderful.



I have to say, I feel so much better.  I feel like you pushed my reset button!  Thanks so much for righting my ship.

Sales Exec


I took the cleansing bath today of the salts that you make. It was very calming, and the water was prickly at first…like little pins and needles,and the water had a current and heartbeat to it. When I got out the water was very murky, and I felt like my heart was vibrating so I laid down and took a nap. I saw little twirls of color and white light. I feel great now. I plan on doing one soak each full moon starting with the root chakra and working my way up.



Thank you so much for last night, it was so amazing!  The energy is food for my soul!  What a beautiful gift!

Colonics Practicioner


I feel like a million bucks today!  Thank you!



Natalie, I’m glad to say my testicle is a non-issue again, and my stomach and intestinal issues have been better, knock on wood! I want to thank you again for helping me and my issues.I don’t know if cobra a and raccoon are still with me, I seem better, my bad haven’t been as bad as before (tolerable) and I’ve had a noticeable amount of “better” days. God Bless and Thanks again.

Hair Stylist


I am feeling SOO much better! You were right I was detoxing big time, but by thanksgiving I have had more energy and felt better then I have in  a LONG time!  I am even sleeping less.  Before the workshop,  I was needing 10 hours of sleep  + a night to barely make it through the day, now i am down to the average 7/8! It’s excellent! I am looking forward to the next workshop.



Thank you for your time and energy at Thursday evenings good vibrations female healing circle along with AJ’s time and energy.  I was honored to be a part of the group and share the loving energy to heal from within. So I have GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my period (which I haven’t had in years)!!!!!! Thank you from my heart to yours. I am so grateful for you and your love and support. Thank you for sharing your gift of energy healing and resorting my belief in myself and my ability to believe and receive healing. I had such a good feeling going into your healing and believed in my heart that we could do together and energetically with the spirit guides and angels.  Sending you my loving thanks and smiles!

Social Worker Candidate


Thank you so much.  I feel a million times better.  My lesson is becoming clear in it’s range and depth.  I have no worries.  My soul is at peace and very grateful!  What a trip!

Colonics practitioner


Thanks for the workshop.  It was a great experience, and now I smell like lemons 😉



Thank you for the beautiful session today luv :) I got the flutters again tonight.  Woohoo!  So glad I found you!



I really enjoyed your group session tonight.  It was (and still is) quite powerful.  I send you a huge hug and love you so much and can’t wait to see you again soon!



I just wanted to thank you for sharing your energy with me yesterday.  I felt strange when I got home and the Reiki started to kick in and I felt all funny and really felt a shift… and not to be too graphic, but I got in the shower and all this blood (menstrual that had been stuck) just poured out of me…it was kind of amazing and gross all at the same time.  And all the images you gave me are so helpful.  I LOVE my heart spider!  She even had a big hairy spider come in and help out with some extra reinforcement.  And I feel so safe and protected in my egg.  And I slept really heavy. So needless to say I would love to see you again next week. Thanks soooo much again.  I also realized that hearing you relate to me with your own story made me feel really comfortable.  Not like a shrink where you never get to know anything about the other person.  So thanks for trusting and sharing with me.  It made me feel really safe. Peace and healing



Thanks “my angel”. Just need you to know that our session last week was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had with a therapist/healer (not sure what to call you).  I am really still processing it all and so thankful for you and your work. No kidding. This sh*%*()# is intense!  I truly appreciate your ongoing support. It REALLY HELPS!

Health Counselor


Thank you so much for today.  I had a fun time, learned a lot, and am excited to try out the reiki on my friends!  I still feel tingly in a lovely way.  I shall do my best to stick to the 21-day cleanse.  That video is terrific, and your cheer is a hoot!  I’m glad you spoke of the subject of idolatry and how it has the ability to rob our power and potentially cloud our vision.  We know what’s best for ourselves; we just need to clear space and trust.  Thank you for sharing this.  Happy Spring!  I’m grateful for you and your thoughtful, powerful work.

Yoga instructor


It finally dawned on me I am leaving the city and this country in 2 days.  It finally dawned on me, I wont see you anymore on a regular basis, that I wont have a chance to attend your workshop for some time. Your workshops so simple and so effective really changed my life around the epiphany I had with the lessons I received from my parents and how it made me non committal. I can finally distance myself from it through this simple acknowledgement.
I feel the energy in my hands every time I focus on Reiki.  Of all the many different stuff I explored and tried and practised in NY for the last three years, you are the one that truly made a difference, the only one I warmly recommend.
It is not only what I learnt with you but just your vibe. You don’t pose as a guru or anything superior, you are on the path like all of us, but you have been deeper and further so you know, you feel, you see, you help, you make a difference.  You always found the right words for me when I was deep and I remember them everytime I am down.



Natalie, I just want to tell you that I have NEVER had such an amazing experience with a healer before I went to you. And man the lives you change for that insanely affordable price, it is unreal. I am still blown away how much can be shifted in 50 minutes!! I have been in bed all day sick but I know it’s just my body needing time to slow down and assimilate this change. And my dad called me today!!! HE NEVER CALLS ME, like once in a blue moon he will but only if he has to tell me something specific. He was just saying hello and wanted to talk to me. And it was actually really nice talking to him, I didn’t have that same defense of trying to be powerful…something between us has definitely lifted. In words maybe we weren’t like where we will be but the energy definitely is different.

Health Coach


I woke up this morning and my whole abdomen is super tender.  But, I feel great and completely energetically different.  And, my exchanges with people are different.  I can feel it at work.  I was giving one of my colleagues a hug this morning and she was like, “I think you were my mother in a past life.  You’re so maternal” How Funny!

Women’s Rights Activist


Hey, Your workshop was phenom!  I went home last night totally refreshed, joyous, light and bubbly!

Clothing Designer


I am feeling good. I am being really gentle with myself and like I said when we met, it is coming very naturally because I am really accepting who I am right now and where I am at on this journey.  I am glad I could help you with that. Seriously, you provide life-altering work. People sit in groups or on couches in therapist’s offices and never resolve some of the things I did in what? 50 mins? I was blown away.  Thank you for sharing your gift with us!!

Health Coach


Natalie ——— thanks for the session ——- I enjoy your simplicity and clear mind —— I feel well today and somewhat empowered, and managed to squeak in some meditation this morning.



I pulled my boss aside as soon as I walked in and told him.  He was really sweet about it (he’s a good guy) and he totally understood.  You should have seen me last night, though – It was like I was a drug addict that was going through withdrawal symptoms – I couldn’t stop shivering.  I took a bath that only warmed me a bit, but that’s when my Tiger came and gave me his strength!  I was snarling in the tub and everything (but only silently – whenever the totems come through me, they don’t make a sound but my body goes through the motions). Clearly, he came to give me strength to do what I needed to do this morning, even though I would be letting the team down. The funny thing was that before I went to your session last night I saw myself crying, shivering and then throwing up at night.  And at your session I cried, I shivered (although I thought it would just be b/c the room was cold) and then I gave back to the universe 😉 later that night at home.  I guess I’m on track.  I took care of myself by taking naps and reminding myself that “I am safe. It’s only change” which helped a lot, actually.  Anyway, thanks so much for everything!!!!  And maybe it was the last of the first round of sessions, but I think I could use a few more during the rest of this transition 😉  You’re not rid of me yet!
All my love and light!

Channel and Healer


Thank you for yesterday and for your words of encouragement. I do feel much lighter and it’s a relief.
I had a surge of surprising feelings after yesterday. My friend and I went to brunch which was delightful, and I suddenly felt freezing. Thank goodness for the blankets! Then I felt warmer and very aware of what was around me. On my way home, I started feeling a bit dizzy, but not in an unpleasant way. As I walked from the train station to my apt, I thought: wow, I feel high! Ha.  I took a bath and went straight to bed. I slept so deeply. When I woke, I had cold sweats and a sore throat. I decided to take the day off and went back to bed. I woke an hour ago and feel better.  So, it was a roller-coaster. Now I feel fine, very peaceful. I asked my mom if I could do some long distance feeling on her and she said yes. I’m looking forward to that.  Thanks for the book recommendations and for all your help!

Yoga Instructor


I just wanted express again my gratitude to y’all for such an amazing Tuesday night.  Thank you for facilitating this amazing work- for making me go deeper than I ever have with my issues surrounding my parents and their divorce. I can honestly say it was one of the most moving experiences I have ever had; it was absolutely incredible.  Y’all do such amazing work and we are blessed to be a part of this process. I am still in awe at the family constellation process. I keep replaying scenes from Tuesday over and over in my head, and each time I gain a little more clarity and release a little more. Thank you for the amazing work that y’all do. You both have truly touched my heart.



I really enjoyed your group session tonight. It was (and still is) quite powerful! I felt really raw and exposed after the session, but I feel much better now!  So I send you a huge hug and love you so much and can’t wait to see you again soon!

Healer and Channel


OMG! I feel like a new person! Last night I realized some mom dad stuff and then went home and coached a great session.
Thank u for telling me to come, I am so glad I did.

Life Coach


Lets do another session so I can keep my buzz kickin :)  I feel like my intuition is waking up…make sense?  Yesterday I swear that my vision seemed more clear and this morning in class I was giving a massage and I felt a new level of trust in my instinct of what this body was asking for :)  I also feel that there are some things that have been haunting me and holding me back for a long time that I’m feeling ready to let go of.

Massage Therapist


I woke up this morning with a little more peace than I’ve felt in a while :). My solar plexus feels softer too… I really enjoyed the session yesterday and I appreciate your casual nature and straight forward words. I would love to do a package-I think I could get into this.

Yoga Instructor


I had such a lovely time with you this weekend at the spring healing ceremony in Central Park. You are so loving, guided, and talented.  I am so blessed that you came into my life (at just the right time).



Good session today.  I feel something fundamentally changing…true compassion for others results in acceptance of their actions and less of me taking things personalizing.   I knew that before, but never felt it.
Thank you!



Thank you so much Natalie for the loving and secure environment of the teaching. I dreamed last night of deer with one of them transforming into a bull jumping over a bench. Good omen for the drum workshop made of deer hide. I also dreamed of automatic gas connection to cooking heaters. I interpret that as being open and connected to love, just as a Reiki practitioner is supposed to be. I bless my food and feel the energy coming from my hands. I really feel like a hippie and it feels good.



Thank you for today.  I still feel pain and regret.   But I know I am a better man because of your influence and the work we’ve done together.   You’ve been one of the best things to happen to me, I’m so happy we stayed in touch and are now friends.   I’m excited about the future.   It will take time to heal these latest wounds but it was a battle worth fighting and I have learned so much more about my nemesis.  Fear stands naked now before me.   Thank you for showing me love.



Natalie ——- I’m feeling good tonight —– thanks for the time you spend with me.



So, today I’d like to shine the Love Spotlight on my friend and healer Natalie Berthold.  There are so many things I want to share with you about my experience with her but the main thing is that if the Sun could be a hug, it would be her.  There’s such a warm, peaceful, playfulness about her energy that always makes it easy for me to relax around her.  I had 10 private sessions and about 5 equally powerful group sessions with her at a really turbulent/crucial time of my life that really helped me make it through.  She helped me leave a job that was causing me physical pain and that alone has brought so much joy to my life that I can’t imagine it being otherwise.  Her healing sessions were gentle yet powerful and introduced me to looking at energy in ways I hadn’t previously thought about.  I always heard that “everything is possible” but seeing how she used visualizations to heal (and feeling the effects) as well as how she used imagery in her own life to deal with issues (a story about a pillow representing her taunting ego comes to mind…) just kind of opened my eyes. And I loved the environment of her group sessions: lots of equally minded people in different stages of the journey with lovely hearts. And if the intent of that particular group session was “rebirth” or “exposing layers” I would either feel re-birthed or raw (which was good b/c it lead to an awareness of the “rawness” and nurturing myself) after the session.  She’s a lovely light with a lot of heart and she delivers the spiritual goods.  So basically, while I have your ear, I just wanted to tell you how great I think she is and to invite you to sign up for anything that she offers.  I feel blessed to have met her and I think you’ll feel the same.

As seen on Nurturing the Shift from founder and healer Chernise Spruell


I noticed a definite shift!  I set intentions like you told me before yoga and that class was amazing!  So healing, just what I needed.  I’m deeply better and trusting more already.  Had a nice relaxing afternoon.  Thank you again for your loving healing! You are amazing!  I will keep you posted as I move through this work…xo

Clothing Designer


You know, thanks for being a part of helping me heal.   More and more I accept myself which allows me to be more open and genuine without fear of how I will be perceived…and go after what I want in a more assertive yet sensitive way.  It’s a never-ending process but that’s part of what makes it fun.  Food tastes better, colors are more vivid, and I feel strong.   Thank you.



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